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Your cat likes to play, hunt, and eat. The MultiVet SlimCat Food Distributor Ball lets your dog do the 3 on the same time. Just fill the SlimCat with .67 cup of dry cat food. Adjust the outlet in the SlimCat to let one bit of food pass through easily. As the cat chases and bats the SlimCat throughout the room, one part of food in a time will exit the ball. This permits one to control how fast your dog eats and provide him with hours of stimulating play. Small portions many times per day will improve his digestion. The SlimCat also satisfies your cat’s inherent should hunt. Solve your cat’s behavioral problems by enriching and satisfying his environmental needs through exercise. Wash the FDA-approved plastic SlimCat inside your dishwasher or with hot soapy water. Safe for cats of breeds, ages, and sizes.
Interactive product which increases feline activity, decreases excessive eating and corrects behavioral problems
Product Features
Color: Blue
Improve your kitty’s eating and exercise habits simultaneously
Builds muscle and burns fat, while fighting obesity and lethargy
Perfect for all breeds of cat
Made from FDA-approved plastic
Safe for dishwashers

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