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List Price: $40.00
Price: $33.30 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. Details
You Save: $6.70 (17%)
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One-step topical water-based HydroGel spray that cleans wounds, treats infections and kills bacteria including antibiotic-resistant MRSA. Use to treat topical infections and wounds, hot spots, rain rot, outer ear infections, yeast infections and rashes. This steroid-free, antibiotic-free, no-rinse option would be non-toxic and speeds healing. HydroGel is made to slowly evaporate, there's no should wipe away film or residue from previous applications. Vetericyn HydroGel kills antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria too as fungi, viruses and spores. Tests free for competitive animals.
Product Features
Size: 16-Ounce Trigger
Treatment in One Easy Step
Speeds Healing
Safe as Water - 100% Non-Toxic and pH Neutral
Fights Infections - Kills 99.999% Of Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi
Does Not Contain Harmful Steriods or Antibiotics

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